InsideIELTS Test Preparation Program


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To achieve the band score you desire when you take the IELTS test, you'll need to have a clear idea of exactly what is being asked of you. The InsideIELTS test preparation program will lead you through each section of the IELTS test and show you how to isolate, focus on and practice all of the skills that you will need to get through the entire assessment and emerge triumphant, first attempt.

The key to your success lies, not in endless hours of unfocused study, but in having a clear understanding of the IELTS standardised assessment process, and a clear idea of how the CAMBRIDGE certified IELTS assessors are evaluating your performance.

Inside-IELTS Virtual Examiner

The unique InsideIELTS VIRTUAL EXAMINER Test Preparation Program has been formulated using many years of direct IELTS examiner experience and pedagogical expertise, enabling us to break the IELTS examination down so that you can apply an efficient, step-by-step process to your studies and English language improvement.

Wherever you see this button, click to watch the Virtual Examiner instruction video for that section.


The InsideIELTS Virtual Examiner Test Preparation Program has been put together to help you with every aspect of preparing for and passing the IELTS test. As you are going through the materials, pay special attention to all the green highlighted vocabulary, which is the type of high-level language you need to become familiar with in order to attain a Band 7 score or above. You are encouraged to pause and repeat the VE instruction videos as many times as you need to until you fully understand all aspects of the test.

There's tons of free IELTS test inside-knowledge and mountains of essential high-level vocabulary contained in this website. Take full advantage, please.


IELTS Listening and Reading test
  • Analyse and break down each section of the Reading and Listening Test
  • Learn to recognise and practice the 6 different Listening Test question types
  • Learn to recognise and practice the 14 different Reading Test question types
IELTS Listening and Reading test
IELTS Writing test


IELTS Writing test
  • Breakdown the official IELTS Writing Assessment Rubric
  • Identify key writing task assessment criteria
  • Analyse the structure and format of Writing Tasks 1 & 2
  • Fully understand the task requirements for each of the IELTS writing tasks
Work through sample questions step-by-step and at your own pace with the InsideIELTS Virtual Examiner Writing Test Workshop


IELTS Speaking interview test
IELTS Speaking interview test
  • Sign-up and log-in at any time of day or night to practice your IELTS Speaking Test skills with the InsideIELTS Virtual Examiner.