Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_04.2

Speaking Test - Part 2: long-turn

(30 mins)

  • Part 2 structure & question types
  • Example Part 2 long-turn response
  • Part 2 practice

  • Part 2 structure & technique

    Upon completion of Part 1 the examiner will say, "Now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes." You will then be given a topic card, pencil and a piece of blank paper and allowed 1 minute to make some notes on the topic.

    After your 1 minute preparation time the examiner will say, "Remember, you have 1 to 2 minutes for this, so don't worry if I stop you, can you start speaking now please."

    The examiner will not speak again until your 2 minutes time is up. (Unless you stop speaking before 1:40s, in which case the examiner will prompt you to say more.)

    Here are some examples of Part 2 long-turn questions .

    After your 2 minutes speaking time the examiner will ask you to stop speaking and will ask you one or two short rounding-off questions before leading into Part 3. (You should give a short 1 or 2 sentence reply to reply to these questions only).

    The total duration for Part 2 will be just under 4 minutes.

    Part 2 example long-turn response

    Watch this example VE Native Speaker Interview Part 2 response.

    Topic: Song or piece of music
    Speaking Part 1 response
    Watch Part 2 long-turn example
    Part 2 practice

    Watch the video below then plan and practice your own Part 2 response.


    Watch an example Quick-Question response.

    End of Lesson 04(ii)

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