Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_04.1


Skills Practice

(20 mins)

SPEAKING - Fluency & Coherence

The Fluency & Coherence criterion assesses how fluently you are able to communicate.

There are three main descriptors within the FLC criterion that the examiner is focusing on:

  • your ability to speak at length;
  • the frequency of hesitation, repetition and self-correction in your language;
  • your use of connective features such as pronouns, conjunctions and spoken discourse markers..
  • This table shows how these three descriptors change from Band 5 (B5) up to Band 7 (B7):

    official IELTS speaking rubric Fluency & Coherence

    To score above B6 for Fluency & Coherence you must: show a willingness to speak at length; make use of a range of connective features and spoken discourse markers; make sure hesitation, repetition and self-correction does not affect the coherence of your speech.

    Watch this Native Speaker Interview extract which focuses on Fluency & Coherence. The connective features, cohesive devices and discourse markers are highlighted. The native speaker responds to each question at length and does not pause, hesitate or correct herself when speaking.

    FLC - Entertainment

    Now test your own  SPEAKING - Fluency & Coherence

    End of Lesson 04(i)

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