Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_03.4

03 (iv)

Skills Practice

(60 mins)

WRITING - Grammatical Range & Accuracy

Grammatical Range & Accuracy rates the variety, complexity and accuracy of the sentence structures, tenses and word forms you use in your writing responses.

There are only two descriptors used to rate GRA:

  • range and complexity of sentence structures;
  • accuracy of grammar and punctuation;
  • This table shows how the GRA descriptors change from Band 5 (B5) up to Band 7 (B7):

    IELTS Task 1 writing rubric GRA

    To score above B6 for Grammatical Range & Accuracy you have to demonstrate use of a variety of complex sentence structures (as well as simple and compound sentences) with frequent error-free sentences in your writing; and have a sufficiently low level of grammatical and punctuation errors so as to cause no problems with understanding for the reader.

    Watch the VE vid below to see examples of each of these descriptors.


    Now test your understanding of WRITING - GRAMMATICAL RANGE & ACCURACY

    End of Lesson 03 (iv)

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