Introduction to the IELTS Test

Skill Check

Complete this Writing Skill-Check exercise then upload your answers for checking and feedback.

For CC, LR and GRA we will focus on the Task 2 essay. (The assessment criteria and descriptors are the same for both tasks.)


WRITING - Coherence & Cohesion

- Answer the following comprehension questions -

    1. What are the 4 descriptors used to rate the Coherence & Cohesion of your Task 2 essay?

Questions 2 - 5 refer to the sample (Band 7) Task 2 response below.

IELTS Task 2 sample answer
    2. What is the correct order of the paragraphs in this essay? (Use the cohesive devices and organisation of information/ideas to help you.)
    3. List three cohesive devices used in paragraphs A, D and E.
    4. Find and explain three examples of referencing (used appropriately).
    5. What is the central topic (main idea) in body paragraph A and body paragraph E?
    6. Fill the gaps in the Task 2 essay extracts below.
IELTS CC gapfill

End of Skill Check 03(ii)

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