Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_02.2

02 (ii)

Skills Practice

(60 mins)

READING - True/False/Not given

Each Reading Test will have a set of True/False/Not given or Yes/No/Not given questions.

IELTS Reading - Yes/No/Not given

Each question consists of a statement about the passage which you need to qualify by writing either True/Yes, if the statement is correct; False/No, if the statement is wrong; or Not given, if there is no such information given in the passage.

Question technique

1. Read the instructions and underline key-words in the question statements.

IELTS Reading - diagram completion

2. Scan the passage for the key-words to locate the paragraph containing the information needed.

IELTS Reading - diagram completion

3. Skim the paragraph and read the sentences before and after the key-word to find the location of the answer within the paragraph itself.

4. Read that section of the paragraph in detail to understand how the information given relates to the question statement.

IELTS Reading - answers

5. When you find the information directly relating to the question statement (or not*), write your answer on the answer sheet.

* Choose the NOT GIVEN option when you have found the paragraph with the correct key-word topic but the question statement is not mentioned at all.

As always, be on the lookout for synonyms and paraphrasing whenever scanning the text for key-words and answers.

Watch this short YES/NO/NOT GIVEN demonstration vid before testing your skills.

Now complete the READING - True/False/Not given Skill Check exercise

End of Lesson 02(ii)

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