Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_02.1

02 (i)

Skills Practice

(60 mins)

READING - Matching information

Matching information question sets usually appear at the beginning of a section. Each paragraph in the text will be assigned an alphabetical letter and the questions will ask you to locate the paragraph containing specific information. The skill is to be able to skim the whole passage quickly for gist, to get a rough understanding of what each paragraph is about, before scanning for specific key-word terms to allow you to confirm your answer.

IELTS Reading - Matching information

The instructions at the beginning of the question set will tell you to write the letter which corresponds to the answer paragraph, (e.g. A, B, C, ..G) on your answer sheet.

Question technique

1. Read the instructions and underline key-words in the question statements.

IELTS Reading - diagram completion

2. Focusing on the questions one at a time, scan each paragraph for the key-words.

IELTS Reading - diagram completion IELTS Reading - diagram completion
      - If you can't find the key-words (or synonyms) first time, move on to the next question.

3. When you find an answer cross-out the paragraph letter and write the question number in the margin.

4. When you reach the end of the question set return and scan the remaining paragraphs for answers you didn't find the first time.

5. Write the corresponding paragraph letters directly on your answer sheet.

IELTS Reading - answers

Watch this quick Reading Matching information demonstration vid before testing your skills.

Now complete the READING - Matching information Skill Check exercise

End of Lesson 02(i)

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