Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_01.3

01 (iii)

Skills Practice

(40 mins)

LISTENING - Sentence completion

Sentence completion type questions, and variations such as gap fill and missing word exercises are the most common question type in the IELTS Listening Test. The format will usually be either sentence type format or table/form format.

Sentence type
Listening sentence completion Q
Table type
Listening sentence completion Q

Like the short answer questions, the instructions will specify the maximum number of words/numbers that you can write, for example, "no more than 2 words and/or a number", or, as in the examples above, "ONE WORD ONLY". Write your answers directly on the question paper, at the end of the test you will be given time to transfer your answers from the question paper to the Listening Test answer sheet.

Question technique

The example shown below combines sentence/bullet point gap-fill questions with a missing-word table completion type question set.

In long question sets like this one the audio will be split into sections, so you don't need to read all of the questions in one go. The instructions given in the audio before each question set will guide you to the questions on which to focus, in this case the audio is split into two sections with time for you to look at questions 21 - 23, then questions 24 - 30.

Follow the audio instructions and use the time given to scan the questions; underline key words, visualise the scenario in your mind and try to predict the type of information that you might hear.

IELTS Listening - Sentence completion

As always, be aware of paraphrased answers and synonyms, and also for tricks such as when the speaker may say one thing and then change their mind, or mention other answer options before opting for the correct answer.

Watch this quick Listening sentence completion demonstration vid before testing your skills.

Test your understanding of LISTENING - Sentence completion

End of Lesson 01 (iii)

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