Introduction to the IELTS Test


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LESSON CODE: IE2401_01.1

01 (i)

Skills Practice

(60 mins)

LISTENING - Multiple choice

There will usually be at least one set of multiple choice answer questions in each IELTS Listening Test. The question format is a question or statement followed by three to five options labeled with letters.

IELTS Listening - Multiple choice

The instructions at the beginning of the section will tell you to circle the appropriate letter from the choices given. (At the end of the test you will be given time to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet.)

Question technique

Use the time given at the beginning of each section before the audio begins (about 40-50 seconds in total) to underline key topic words in the questions. Skim through the answer options and highlight, or just take note of, key words in the answers.

IELTS Listening - Multiple choice

Be aware of paraphrased answers and synonyms, and also for tricks such as when the speaker may say one thing and then change their mind, or mention other answer options before opting for the correct answer.

Watch this quick Listening multiple choice demonstration vid before testing your skills.

Test your understanding of LISTENING - Multiple choice

End of Lesson 01 (i)

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